Saturday, January 31, 2009

Info Arch-Point of View response

I really appreciated this reading and feel like it validates my reasons for choosing the topic of branding. I really appreciate this reading and the issues it brings up surrounding individual/unique perception. Like I said before, I chose the branding pair because based on my personal experiences, it was something I felt would benefit me based on interest in the long run. And perhaps on my own level of 'selective' decision making, I have selected to pay attention to something I'm more interested in living with for a while, as well as more comfortable with. Yet I also feel, and have felt, that there is a lot of information I don't yet know about the topic. Also, knowing this 'unknown' information will most likely make me enjoy it even more, just like Wurman covers in the portion about Franz Kline's calligraphic paintings.

I also agree that culture and competition have a lot of bearing on one's expressed opinions. For me, I have a lot of trouble articulating what I really want to say sometimes in front of peers because I'm so afraid of being wrong or knowing less than someone else. Perhaps that is another reason for going with something I'm already somewhat comfortable with.

I feel like this reading really articulated very well a lot of things I have been thinking/feeling/noticing over the last 6 months. It's nice to know concretely that I'm not the only one thinking this, as silly as that sounds.

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