Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Design Systems: Phase II

This is my process as I tried to rename the city formally known as Baldwin City.

Final Names v1

Design Systems: Phase I

This is a mind map I've made trying to define specific components to aid in envisioning a new flexible identity for my hometown: Baldwin City, KS.

Soon to come: Phase 1 Keynote Slides

Thursday, September 10, 2009

multimedia experience

Here's round two of Veronica and I's work. We made a few minor changes and are hoping that they've added to our posters.

My Community Model

Veronica's individual personas

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Multimedia Experience

Veronica and I spent all day making our preliminary community posters. We developed copy and basic layout styles together then worked on aesthetics separately (I worked on the community and she worked on the personas) while sitting next to each other (and no one got strangled!) So here is the outcome so far:

Veronica's Individuals

My Community

We're already discussing a few next steps, such as how to inject the circles/curved dotted lines into her model.

Here is a little of my process for how we developed the color palette. We chose to work from the 9 color palette from photo # 1 (the fruit). Enjoy and try not to drool on your key board, the pictures are delicious.